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League of Food & Beverage Enterprises

About Us

PBC-LFBE was historically launched last 18th April 2021 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and oath taking of their newly formed Officers and Members will soon take place in the Office of Philippine Consulate General - Dubai

To Join LFBE

Active PBC-DNE corporate members in the Food and Beverage industry are welcome to join LFBE. No further registration fees are required.


Please contact any of our LFBE officers or write us at

Our Mission

League of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (LFBE) aims to promote and sustain the development of the Filipino-owned restaurants and to be the resource for industry information to its

Our Vision

League of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (LFBE) has the vision to be recognized as a capacity-building advocate and community representing Filipino entrepreneurs in the food and beverage (F&B) industry in Dubai and Northern Emirates and to represent and champion the interests of Filipino-owned restaurants and allied businesses.

Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events

Become a member now!

Join PBC-DNE today and start connecting, learning, and growing with other Filipino professionals  and businesses in UAE and Northern Emirates!

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